On the Occasion of World Wetlands Day, observed annually on February 2, Environment Conservation
Group, a city-based NGO has called for protecting the wetlands in the city. The theme for this year is
‘Wetlands for our future’.
In a statement issued here, R. Mohammed Saleem, president of the group, said that the wetlands of
Coimbatore were created centuries ago for mitigation of flood situations and agriculture.
Coimbatore, with just one per cent, has the least percentage of geographical area under wetland with
the average area in Tamil Nadu being seven per cent. Yet, he claims, the wetlands are often viewed as
wastelands and used as a dumping ground for debris, industrial and medical wastes besides poultry
Wetlands support a number of plant and animal species including birds, butterflies, dragonflies and
reptiles. Thousands of migratory birds flock to wetlands in the city during winter migration. Birds as
far as Europe and Russia spend their winter in the lakes of Coimbatore.
More than 150 species of birds can be spotted in and around our wetlands.
Jeremy Hance
February 02, 2012

The vast peatlands of Borneo are being destroyed at record rates, leading to among other
impacts vast carbon emissions. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler.
Forget the groundhogs, February 2nd is also World Wetland Day, commemorating the historic
convention of wetlands in Ramsar, Iran in 1971. The Ramsar Treaty was an international
agreement meant to address the loss and degradation of wetlands worldwide.
Wetlands provide a multitude of ecosystem services to humanity including safeguarding
unique biodiversity, buffering against flooding, acting as fish nurseries, purifying water,
replenishing soil with moisture, and storing carbon among others.
Despite their importance wetlands face an abundance of threats including conversion for
agriculture or livestock, draining for development, pollution and sewage, rising sea levels
due to climate change, invasive species, and efforts to control wetlands with dams and dikes.

Jabiru stork taking flight in the Pantanal wetlands of Brazil. Wildlife competes with cattle
and other land-use pressures in this ecosystem. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler.

An aerial view of a herd of African buffalo in the Okavango Delta, the world's largest
inland delta. Photo by: Jeremy Hance.

Sunset in the Pantanal. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler.

Wetlands near the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler.

A caiman waits in the Ilanos wetlands of Colombia. Wetlands are home to many unique species. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler.

Lake Alaotra, a wetlands in Madagascar. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler.

Sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) in Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge,
New Mexico. Photo by: Jeremy Hance.

Sun setting in the Okavango Delta. Photo by: Jeremy Hance.
Video Results
The prehistoric wetland of Bradford Kaimes, Northumberland has been investigated by Bamburgh Research Project since summer 2010. This video shows the 'dig fo...
Wetlands Official Trailer 1 2013 HD The eccentric 18 year-old Helen narrates the story of her life, including stories about her preferred sexual practices that ...
This video shows “a day in the life” of the City of Lakeland’s Wetland Cell 5. This time lapse video shows the shallow lake from sunrise to sunset. Look for ...
The movie tells a story about the importance ofwetlands for human beings and issues that these most precious resources are facing. The Ramsar Convention hel...
On World Wetlands Day, take a moment to focus on the beauty of wetland scenery and wildlife and the importance of protecting these essential habitats. This v...
Keep up to date with all the latest Irish and international news and current affairs with http://www.rte.ie/newsnow Follow us on twitter @rtenewsnow and on F...
World Wetlands Day 2 February 2012 Each year, world wetlands day is celebrated to promotewetland conservation. Wetlands are a critical part of our natural e...
Wetland areas, which mean 'the area of not water or land', have long been regarded as useless, but now they are believed to be the origin of life because of ...
The LaBranche Wetland Watchers Service-Learning program of Harry Hurst Middle School recently joined with community members, industry and other volunteers to build a ...
BCIT Ecological Restoration degree program students participated in a 7-day wetlandconstruction course in September 2014 at Logan Lake, BC led by wetland co...
World Wetland Day 2009 by Tanguar haor biodiversity conservation project
World Wetlands Day 2014 - GEC wants to celebrate it with YOU. We will be organising a halfday event on February 22, 2014 to plant 1500 bakau (Rhizophora sp....
February 2nd is World Wetland Day and a number of fun and educational activities and tours are planned to showcase our wetlands.
A day at the Nandur Madhamaheswar storage reservoir on River Godawari. The wetland is 23 Km away from the town of Sinnar in Nasik District of Maharashtra, In...
See also: Firm Hand - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmgyTYr_cWk Hadriez - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AUkA4yIGQA Trinco - https://www.youtube.com/watc...
Each year since 1997, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and groups of citizens at all levels of the community have taken advantage of Grou...
on nat geo wild, to drive awareness of the importance of world's wetlands and promote worldwetland day. associated with hong kong wetlandpark.
Read more: http://news.mongabay.com/2012/0202-wetlands_day_pod.html#ixzz3Qe0VNkU9
Video Results
Deepor Beel was added to the Ramsar List ofWetlands of international importance in November 2002. But instead of being conserved and wisely used, the wetlan...
ZHANG: And also in India, authorities are creating a new development program to protect a natural refuge for birds. The Gharana Wetland Reserve attracts thou...
A large number of residents of the city's Chachal area, mostly youngsters, dived into the water body to get hold of currency notes floating in Silsako Beel, ...
https://www.savingcranes.org/wetland-and-waterbird-survey.html Thanks in part to ancient traditions, many wetlands still dot the countryside of northern Indi...
Acie Cargill is a local poet and fringe environmental activist. Indian Ridge North Marsh is the main home in the Calumet Region of the endangered Black Crown...
Feb. 28, 2011 Indian Creek, Eastpoint Florida.Indian Creek has been highly contaminated. The creek is part of federally protected waters andwetlands. This report ...
A new short film from Human Giant.
Ocmulgee is an important Indian Mound complex in Macon, Georgia. Visiting is educational and culturally enriching.
Extensive North Indian wetland with waterfowl! The birds include Spoonbill and a variety of ducks. This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast ...
Wetland Birds of Velavadar Blackbuck National Park, Velavadar, Gujarat December 2011.
This bird was drying his wings though he looked like he was molting his wings and growing new ones. I'm not sure what's up with his wings really.
This video tells the story how biodiversity, livelihoods and wetland management are interlinked in the North Bihar, India. Endikements, roads and other devel...
Check out pictures from the May 27, 2008 Protest against Brightwater building more homes on the H.B. Wetlands. They are trying to build not only over the wet...
Wetlands are key to Florida's amazing biodiversity. Learn why Florida's wetlands are so unique, along with some of our most prominent world-classwetlands th...
Wetlands new track "In the Raw" feat. Little indian
Andreae Banwell Preserve Boardwalk Construction
By flouting Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, the Kerala government has failed to identify wetlands in the state even three years after it appoin...
Down2Earth is a new environmental series that is broadcast on Canada's Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN). The series features Indigenous people fr...
Wetlands, Indian mounds and a sweet old dog named Arthur. Summer in Wisconsin.
Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Biodiversity rich dense forests of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Ma...
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